If you haven't been to an unconference, you should know these aren't like regular conferences. There are no juried presentations. No powerpoint. No waiting through the next session so you can attend the one you're really interested in.

You know how it is at a regular conference, the best conversations happen in the hallways. Well, TC Camp is all hallway.

Session topics are chosen by you! They're chosen by the attendees on the day of the event. Attendees vote on the session topics. Topics with enough votes get scheduled into the agenda. Because you vote on the session topics, you're guaranteed to find sessions you're interested in! This is one conference where everything is relevant to Y-O-U. And at the end of the day, in the summary session you can hear about what everyone else learned in all the other sessions.

Want to talk about Documenting APIs? Nominate this topic for a session! Want to talk about wrangling difficult SMEs? Nominate it! (Both of these were topics at previous TC Camps.)
We have 4 morning workshops to help get your creative juices flowing:

- Adobe Workshop - Beyond Paper: Publishing enriched content to online formats via Adobe Tech Comm Suite 5 - Jump Start Your Mobile Project (with Marta Rauch, Cindy Church, and Gail Chappell) - API documentation in changing environments with expanding/new technologies (with Tom Johnson)
- Creating a Documentation Portal (with Steve Anderson)

Details .. http://www.tccamp.org/2014/10/tc-camp-saturday-24-january-2015/

Want to see what one of last year's attendees has to say about the event? Read this blog entry by Lori Meyer, "Network, learn, teach! Come to TC Camp 2015." (https://lrmeyerwriter.wordpress.com/2014/12/06/network-learn-teach-come-to-tc-camp-2015/)

Unconferences are run by the attendees, so the more we have the better it will be. Help spread the word and invite the people in your network to come to TC Camp.

- Tweet with the hash tag #tccamp and follow us at @tccamp411
- Invite your professional network on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/TC-Camp-4737174)
- Invite your friends on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/tccamp411)
- Join the Meetup group (http://www.meetup.com/TC-Camp/events/96899782/)
- Send in your suggestions via emailĀ­ to <counse...@tccamp.org>

There is no charge to attend the afternoon unconference. Workshops are only $35. Learning's easier when you bring a friend, you can split up and learn more!

Use this code to get 20% off any workshop ($28 instead of $35): GOTOCAMP

See you in Santa Clara on Saturday, January 24!


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