When FM is installed standalone, a "headless" PDF Creator version is installed to be able to generate PDFs out of FM. This can sometimes clobber existing installs of Acrobat. Adding it after the fact should replace the "headless" version, but if it fails, then uninstalling everything, installing Acrobat first and then installing FM next (mindful of the setting to stop the PDF Creator from installing) should get you up and running.
From: framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com [mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Denis Daly Sent: February-20-15 6:00 AM To: framers@lists.frameusers.com Subject: FM 12 and Acrobat on same machine Good morning all, I am hoping to add Adobe Acrobat to my FM 12 installation soon. I was just wondering about best practice regarding this. I assume it is recommended to use Acrobat rather than say a cheaper PDF editor , like Foxit? Also, could someone explain what happens when Acrobat is co-installed, in terms of any effect on the normal PDF creation within FM? Do I need to be aware of any issues? Thanks in advance, Denis Kind regards, Denis Daly Technical Writer [ICPNT Simple Logo White - Small] Kilbrittain, Bandon, Co. Cork, IRELAND<http://www.myloc8ion.com/index.php/maps/find_code8/?code=WLF-17-68G> Mobile: +353 86 3539962 Phone: +353 21 2439119/140 Fax: +353 21 2380559 Info: www.icpnewtech.com<http://www.icpnewtech.com/>
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