To quote the classic TV commercial: Stop! You're both right!

When speaking of raster images, the resolution is the *number* of pixels. It is 
*not* the pixel pitch, whihc ius what we're used to thinking of as "resolution" 
when we talk about monitors or printers. 

What Richard is saying is precisely the advice you've always heard. The 
resolution--the number of pixels--should always remain the same for the best 
results. Changing the reproduced size changes the pixel *pitch* but does not 
change the *number* of pixels. The thing you do *not* want to do is resample 
the image to change the number of pixels (the resolution); this *always* 
degrades the quality of the image, anthough the degree of degradation can vary 
widely depending on the ratio of the two resolutions and the algorithm being 
used for the resampling or downsampling.

And getting the size correct is actually very simple as long as you know how to 
use a calculator. If you have an image that is 1328 pixels wide, and you need 
it to fit in a frame that is 3.25 inches wide, you need to set the dpi (the 
pixel pitch) to 1328/3.25 ≈ 409. In this case you can actually set the size 
with 0.25% (one part in 400) accuracy.

-Fred Ridder

Subject: RE: Importing clear, sharp images
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 21:30:04 +0000

OK this is very interesting. I was under the assumption that you should keep 
the resolution of the picture at the resolution of the screen, and then import 
it in also at that resolution.
 I was not aware that changing the import resolution was advisable.

Off top of my head this seems like it would be difficult to get just the right 
resolution on the first try giving a particular anchored frame size. Do you 
have some clever method for getting the resolution right the first time?


From: Combs, Richard (CW) []

Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 2:24 PM

To: Tim Pann; framers

Subject: RE: Importing clear, sharp images

Don’t resize your screen captures! Save as PNG exactly as captured. When you 
import them into FM, specify the appropriate DPI setting to make them the size
 you want on the page. 

On Behalf Of Tim Pann

Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 3:11 PM

To: framers

Subject: Importing clear, sharp images


I'm using Frame 9 on Windows 7. And my apologies if this has been covered and 


Can anyone point me toward a good resource (or just tell me if it's quick) for 
understanding how to get nice sharp images imported by reference in FrameMaker? 
I'm working
 on a doc right now in which I'm mostly importing PSD files. They're all screen 
captures of a user interface. I have to resize most of them and they're looking 
pretty choppy. I switched to a TIF image for one and that didn't help.


I know that TIFF is the preferred format (not sure about PSD but many of my PSD 
imports look nice) but I don't know if there are specific guidelines or 
recommendations about
 resolution, resizing once imported, etc.


I'm happy to provide more information about what I'm doing if needed. No idea 
what's relevant and what's not.


Thank you,


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