I have a Frame file that contains both imports of PDFs of Illustrator
graphics and Illustrator files. One of these graphics in particular causes
tremendous bloat.

That AI (Illustrator) file weighs in at 1.9 MB. The PDF of the same file is
a svelte 101 KB. If I import either the Illustrator file or the PDF'd
Illustrator file and Save As PDF (standard job option at a measly 600 dpi or
even at 1200 dpi) the file balloons out to 11 MB.

If I produce a postscript file (from Frame) of the one page containing the
graphic, the results are the same. The postscript file is 1.3 MB, which in
turn distills into a 12 MB PDF. Bizarre.

Any ideas on what to do?

Vital statistics: Frame 7.0p579, WinXP Pro SP2, TimeSavers 3.6, Nav Asst.
2.3.2, Forms Asst 1.7.

B a r u c h   B r o d e r s e n
T e c h n i t e x t   D o c u m e n t a t i o n
7 0 2   2 8 9   4 1 0 6

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