> Hello,
> My name is Guadalupe and I am working in a project for my University 
> Brussels.
> The topic of this research is gathering information about the help 
files in
> Framemaker format and the problems creating a template for them in 
> I know how to use both softwares but I believe it is quite difficult 
> create a template.
> I would be very grateful if you could send me some information abou 
> Do you know how to create a template from scratch in Webworks?
> If yes, could you please let me know about the main problems you 
> I think this is the start point of my research and once I get a list 
> problems creating templates with Webworks, I can start askin question 
> specifics.
> Please find attached my survey for this project.
> If you could answer my ques! tion, that would be very helpful.
> Thanks for your help in advance.
> Regards, Guadalupe

  This survey was created as a part of a thesis for ISTI (Institut de 
Traducteurs et Interpr?tes, Brussels) on the creation of Webworks Publisher for 
FrameMaker template from a help file in a FrameMaker format.

  The aim of this survey is to determine the main problems arise when when 
creating a template and how often the template are created instead of using the 
templates provided with Webworks Publisher for FrameMaker.

  Please answer to the questions in the space provide for it.

  The forms, once complete must be returned to: castilloguadalupe at yahoo.es

  Thanks for your participation.

   Are you a freelance translator or a company?

   How do you receive help files in FrameMaker format? (If not, the survey is 

   How have you heard from WebWorks Publisher from FrameMaker?

   Compared to the other format for help files that you received, which is the 
percentage of FrameMaker files that you receive?

   When you receive a FrameMaker file to translate, what is the most part of 
the time?
(Manuals, Help files...)

   When do you use Webworks what is generally the template the most used?

   Do you often create a WWP template from scratch?

   If so, specify the main problems to take into account when creating a 
template for WWP.


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  • Survey Guadalupe Castillo

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