
This is a tough one. Quickly is so relative, and structured documents 
can be a little daunting.

I would start with some training or a book or both. Actually, that's 
what I did.

I have found Kay Ethier's "XML and FrameMaker" very helpful. I have also 
taken her Stuctured Frame Boot Camp. The boot camp is probably the best 
way to implement your 'quickly' goal. Bring a project with you and she 
will use it to help you understand the process.

By the way, I've taken training in strucutred from Lynne Price 
( and Kay ( and 
found them to be excellent trainers! (I've been in the training biz for 
14 years so I know a good trainer when I see one!)


Don Rinderknecht -- KD5MVV
Meteorologist Instructor/Developer ~ Warning Decision Training Branch
Donald.M.Rinderknecht at ~

DeFlorio, Dominick wrote:

> What is the best approach to learning how to structure Frame 
> documents?  I need to learn quickly how to create and implement EDDs 
> into many and varied, unstructured Frame documents.  Suggestions...links?

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