Hello Framers,

Our FrameMaker workbooks are now available as downloadable (cheaper!)
PDF files. Instead of $119 (plus shipping outside the U.S., which is a
*substantial* cost), they are $49.95 each and available instantly.

There are five workbooks in the series. The two workbooks for
unstructured FrameMaker, Accelerated Introduction and Template Design,
are available now (http://store.scriptorium.com/). The first workbook
for the structured interface, Introduction to Authoring, is also ready.
The last two structured workbooks will be available in January 2006.

We hope that this new option will help you by eliminating shipping
delays and costs. Downloads are available 24/7.

The digital workbooks are part of our new training initiatives, which
also include live, instructor-led, web-based training.

For more information: www.scriptorium.com
Workbook descriptions:
Workbook excerpt (PDF, 500K):
Training options table: http://www.scriptorium.com/training/options.html
Training schedule: http://www.scriptorium.com/training/schedule.html


Sarah O'Keefe

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