Thanks for the suggestions.  The x-refs are fine, and there are no links
to files outside the book.  In UNIX- in our antiquated set-up- I can't
postscript (that is, I can't write directly to a .ps file explicitly;
the SW handles this under the hood).

But anyhow, I think we've finally got it; there was a part of the
document that was corrupt (thanks Gary) and we were able to pdf 103 of
the 106 pages once we removed the offending 3 pages.  We never could
narrow it down any further than that, but that's a lot less typing than
106 pages!  Thanks again to everyone who wrote/called helped.  Looks
like there's a lot of Windows Frame expertise out there!  Unfortunately
we're not able to port our documents to Windows... at least we have
macros in UNIX ;-).


-----Original Message-----
[ at lists.frameusers.c
om] On Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:33 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Re: Corrupt document that's not giving up its secrets

Hi Catherine,

What happens when you update all cross references? Are there links to  
external files that may be broken?

Can you postscript the file? If it does, will that convert to pdf  
using, say ps2pdf? In verbose mode this could give some useful  

Do you have conditional text elements that may be causing problems?

Finally. Is it structured or unstructured?


On Dec 1, 2005, at 4:59 AM, Geiszler, Catherine wrote:

> I'm new to this list; tried to search the archives but only found  
> November.  So I hope you all haven't answered this question TOO  
> many times.... I'm not new to Framemaker and it's been a long time  
> since I had a problem I couldn't solve, but I am beating my head  
> against a wall on this one.
> Frame 6.0, UNIX.
> We have a book that will not pdf, regardless of whether one uses  
> Print to File... or Save As... functions.  (Save As functions actually

> work in Frame 6.0 on the UNIX platform, believe it or not.)  There  
> are about 10 documents in the book.  We can pdf them individually  
> except for the largest, which will not pdf.
> We've tried everything in the Adobe tech documents, including  
> breaking the document in half (and subsequent failing sections in  
> half) to see where the error occurs.  Eventually we just wind up  
> with 7 or 8 pdfs that comprise the entire document, so we're not  
> able to pinpoint a section of failure.  We've tried removing  
> graphics- still won't pdf as an entire document.  We've tried  
> making new files, still no joy.  Short of re-typing all 108 pages,  
> any suggestions for us?  I have also saved as MIF, but not done the  
> section by section analysis there.

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