I think the problem here is that with technical manuals you are
addressing people of different ethnic origins, languages etc. Many
foreigners can read the "English jargon" they have learned that
relates to their jobs and interests, but may have problem reading
regular text or "jargon" relating to other technical fields such as
publishing and printing.

I have had questions from several people: "What does pagination mean?"

"Intentionally Left Blank" serves the purpose of indicating in words
comprehensible to most that there is no contents missing on that page
-- that the page is not blank by accident, s.a. duplicate paper feed
etc. So if we want to change this the text must be replaced by some
other text easily understandable by foreigners that have only minor
general konwledge in English.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Supervisor Publishing, Flight Support
Air Atlanta Icelandic

On 3/24/06, Keith Smyth <smythkl at express56.com> wrote:
>    RE: Paragraph tag with Frame below
>    At my last contract (I am retired now), we put "This page added for
>    pagination purposes" on the otherwise blank page, headers and footers
>    included. Received compliments from the customers, as it made more sense to
>    them that "This page intentionally left blank" and no reason given.
> ...and of course I forgot to include the link the first time = ugh!
> [1]http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A676280
> The writer of this piece is close when they write 'Some theorise that it is a 
> *
> koan*, a statement devoid of meaning designed to bring the minds of those that
> read it to a higher state of being.' In fact, the point is that a completely 
> bl
> ank page is representative of the Ultimate Void, a state of Complete 
> Nothingnes
> s - and this scares those who have not yet reached the aforementioned higher 
> st
> ate of being. A completely blank page just looks *wrong*, it's deeply 
> unsettlin
> g.
> I have more than often been asked to add an 'intentionally left blank' logo, 
> be
> cause 'otherwise our readers will think it's a mistake'. The issue arises 
> regul
> arly with blank trailing pages of chapters of books where the chapter opener 
> fa
> lls on a right-hand page.
> So, folks, don't terrify your readers - at least add a page number, which can 
> r
> epresent the sound of one hand clapping in the Void ;-)
> If clients demand more, I suggest a legally-watertight non-contradictory 
> constr
> uction along the lines of:
> 'This page is intentional left void of meaningful content other than this 
> parag
> raph, which, for the avoidance of doubt, represents content that is intended 
> to
>  denote only the absence of content'.
> --
> Keith L. Smyth
> President
> Smyth Consulting
> -------------------------------------------------
> Many times I really wonder whether a God
> subtle enough to have invented Quantum
> Mechanics would really be interested in having
> people deliver rote prayers and swing incense
> pots in his direction.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Technical Documentation Consultant
> References
>    1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A676280
> _______________________________________________

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