Macromedia deep-sixed RHFM within 6 months of their purchase of eHelp. RHFM
died before its first birthday. And, RHFM has been dead for several years at
this point. The story is, the chief RHFM programmer is working for MadCap
now, anyway.

RHFM had good promise when it was released but, quite honestly, those who
snapped it up had been doing themselves a costly disfavor for ignoring
WebWorks Publisher all those years. When RHFM was released, WWP was a more
stable, faster, more mature product and RHFM only really brought two new
features to the table that were worth anything, and WWP 2003 addressed
those, IIRC.

Adobe's best purchase if it wants to be in on the "help-from-FrameMaker"
game--and I don't believe Adobe wants part of such a niche market--is
Quadralay. And, surely, at this point, the original founders of Quadralay
are looking to sell and retire in the Bahamas, if they haven't already.

On 4/9/06, hedley.finger at <hedley.finger at> wrote:
> ... seeing as how Adobe acquired the code when it took over Macromedia. Or
> will Adobe just open-source it?
> --
> Hedley Finger
> Technical Communications Tools & Processes Specialist
> MYOB Australia <>


I'm voting for Char James-Tanny for STC secretary; you should, too.

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