Hi Roger

Make sure he has a "FILE:" port in his printer setup. Nothing has to use it, it 
just has to exist. To check if it exists, open up the properties for any 
printer and check the ports tab. If it doesn't exist, note the port that the 
printer is currently using, then add the FILE: port as a new port. It's a local 
port. When you add it, Windows will set the current printer to use it. Return 
the current printer to its previous port, click okay.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> Roger Fienhold Sheen <infotexture at gmail.com> 9/08/06 04:15 >>>

A colleague of mine is receiving the "Cannot write to specified print file"
error message whenever he tries to print to a PostScript file using Acrobat
Distiller (FM 6.0, Acrobat 5.0, WinXP).

I assumed this error was caused by spurious read-only permissions in the
project folder, but changing the folder permissions via the Properties
dialog didn't seem to "stick". (There is an article on this issue in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326549/en-us>.)

I tried printing to PS from a new file in a different location, but got the
same error message on his machine. I can print these files to PS on my
machine, so it appears to be a problem specific to his computer.

Before I follow the "attrib" command line workaround suggested in the KB
article, I just wanted to ask if any of you have any other suggestions.

Thanks in advance for any insight,


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