
You wrote:

 > I create my PDF docs from FM 6 by printing to a PS printer and
 > distill using Acrobat Distiller (on Windows XP).
 > I would like to lighten the bookmarks in my PDF docs by removing the
 > numbering...but keep the numbering in the text as my x-refs say See
 > Section 2.2.2...
 > Any hints as to how to clean the bookmarks? I use FrameScript
 > (beginner) if that can help.

FrameMaker doesn't let you control the bookmark text, which always
includes the text including paragraph numbering (unless the autonumber
string is formatted as white).

The FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers add-on has several functions
improving the usefulness of bookmarks, one of which can suppress paragraph
numbering (which can be further controlled based on the level).
See for more information
and examples.

The FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers add-on operates automatically
as part of the distilling (no need for post-creation manual operations).

Shlomo Perets

MicroType, * ToolbarPlus Express for FrameMaker
FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FrameMaker-to-Acrobat 
Template Design, Single Sourcing, FM-to-PDF & Technical Indexing seminars

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