There is a simple solution that was provided by Art in a previous email:

Right click in the first row of the table. Select Table.
Select Add Rows or Columns.
Specify 1 Row and in the Pull-down, To Heading.
Click Add.
Type, don't copy, the text that describes the columns and which you
wanted repeated when the table breaks to a new page.

Shmuel Wolfson

Charles Beck wrote:
> Gillian,
> This is the only way I've found that works as well. I just wanted to add
> that, if you do have a number of tables to process, I can very highly
> recommend Rick's TableCleaner plug-in. WELL worth the money in the time
> you will save!
> (Rick, you can send my endorsement fee to my home address.)     ;o)
> Chuck
> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Re: Table heading rows
> Gillian,
> Click in the table and choose Table > Add Rows or Columns. Choose To
> Heading in the Add Rows popup menu. Now copy your first body row into
> the new heading row.
> If you have a lot of tables to process, take a look at my TableCleaner
> plugin.
> Rick Quatro
> Carmen Publishing
> 585-659-8267
> How do you convert a table row into a table heading row? In the top row
> of my table, when I highlight the row, it says Body cells, instead of
> Heading cells like the top rows in other tables. How do I convert the
> row, or how do I add a heading row above it.
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