Do you have write access on the network drive? Sounds like you don't... 


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting 
Immediate Past President of IESTC

-----Original Message-----
[ at]On
Behalf Of The red fox
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:12 PM
To: Framers at
Subject: More...Error message: can't rename file. The newer version has
anodd suffix

More info on this issue.....

After much frustration, I tried a few things and have
learned that this issue only happens when I am
accessing the files from our network server.  I tested
this by creating a new test book on the server and
adding a few chapters to it.  Same problem.  I then
copied the test book directory to my local hard drive
and had no problem.  I was immediately able to save
each chapter.  

At this point, bottom line is I cannot save any files
when i am accessing them from the network server.  I
continuously get the below error message.

Also I tried using both FM 6.0 and 7.2.  I have the
same problem with both, so it's not an FM version

I have not worked on these files in about 6 months,
but the path to them has not changed as they have many
text insets.  

I cannot imagine what would have changed on our
network to cause this.  Anyone have any idea?

My concern is moving the files because of the high
number of text insets with x-ref's!

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