Good morning all,
I am using FM 7, Mif2Go build b101, and compiling with HTML 
Help Workshop
ver. 4.74.8702.0.

I have two problems with my Help file:
1. My secondary windows do not open.  Jumps within the help 
file default
window work fine.  Only my jumps to the secondary windows 
don't work.  I
have defined a character format called largewindow and a 
corresponding help
window called large.  In my Mif2Go ini file my definition is 
as follows:




2. I want my windows to be "topmost" over the application 
associated with
the Help.  If I define my windows as Topmost my popups 
(defined as alert in
FM) come up behind the help window.

Everything else seems OK.  Can anyone help me out with these 

Donny Golden
Philips Medical Systems
MATAM, Haifa

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