I originally posted this question on Friday, but it
didn't go through. (Switching to plain text now!)
Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Deb Hardy <edittur at yahoo.com> wrote:
For those of you who distribute your source files to
OEM partners, would you be willing to share the basics
of how you prepare your Frame files for rebranding? I
think our rebranding efforts are going to be very
simple, but I want to go into this
feeling confident that I've picked the best approach.
I would be extremely grateful if any of you who have
successfully created re-brandable Frame files could
share some wisdom. Here's what I'm thinking so far:

* For company name (and product names, if it becomes
necessary), we'll create a user variable.

* For the corporate logo that appears on our cover
page and in our running footers, we'll give our file a
generic name like "corp_logo.gif" and instruct the OEM
partners to replace this file with their own similarly
sized corporate logo.

Do both of these approaches seem reasonable and
optimal? I'm particularly concerned about the
logo-replacement issue. I'm pretty sure that images
and anchored frames can't have user variables attached
to them, so I'm sort of perplexed about any
other option besides replacing the existing logo. It
seems like there should be a better way than
overwriting our file... Am I missing something
obvious? Is there a good argument for using
conditional text for this problem? I'm hesitant to add
more conditional-text tags to our book, but I will
happily do it if it turns out to be the best solution.

I've Googled my little heart out searching for
OEM/rebranding best practices, especially in terms of
FrameMaker capabilities, and I'm coming up short.
Thanks so much in advance for any advice you can

-deb h.

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