Rita Muller wrote: 

> It's been ten years since I saw the Interleaf product and I 
> can't remember if it was running on a Mac or PC.

I'd guess it was either a PC or a Sun workstation. I last worked with
Ileaf about 16 years ago, and it only ran under UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX,
maybe one or two others). Shortly after, Interleaf 386 came out, and it
ran -- badly, IIRC -- under Windows. 

If they ever ported it to the Mac, it must have been much later. And I'd
be surprised. 

BTW, back when I was working in Interleaf (on Sun 3/50s), we demo'd this
new software called FrameMaker. My evaluation? It had a brilliant
paradigm and lots of potential, but it wasn't robust and full-featured
enough to replace Interleaf. 

Times change. Now, you couldn't drag me back to Ileaf for love or money.


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