
I've used CleanImport, but not recently. If I recollect correctly,
CleanImport doesn't delete elements that are currently in use.


On 7/3/06, Diana Stock <Diana.Stock at wnco.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have used the Clean Import plug-in (v3.1) and wonder if anyone else
> out there has used it?
> The plug-in is a great tool, but I don't know what I am doing wrong (at
> this point, I don't mind revealing my ignorance). Does anyone know if it
> removes old text flows and replaces them with new?
> My new template has one flow (A) compared to the old template having two
> (A and Graphic, not connected). When I use the plug-in, the page with
> the Graphic flow remains on the Body page -  with the new flow. To
> remove the Graphic flow, I have to edit each file and manually delete
> it. Is it me or memor(ex)? My memory does seems to escape me lately.
> :-)
> Any advise is greatly appreciated,
> Diana Stock
> Southwest Airlines
> 214-792-7433
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