"Joe Malin" <jmalin at tuvox.com> wrote on 07/19/2006 06:18:24 PM:
> My guess is that FM clears out the old
> information as a "feature"; it only allows you to add paragraph tags
> that are in your existing files, so it must first clear out everything
> that was there from before.

As I pointed out in my post to John, your guess is wrong. Nothing is 
stripped from a TOC file if it is renamed and included in a new book file. 
The TOC set-up is part of the book component properties.

When generating a file, Frame for each generated file:
1 - looks for a correctly named file.
2 - If not found, creates a new empty file based on the first 
non-generated file in the book. Will also a reference with the required 
3 - If found, opens the file and strips out all paragraphs with formats 
with suffixes matching the generated file (*TOC, *IOM, *LOT, *LOF).
4 - Based on the list of paragraphs or elements in the book component, 
Frame then builds the generated file.

Note: Number 3 above makes for interesting observations. The new generated 
content is created in the same place as the deleted paragraphs. I'm not 
sure if it is the location of the first of the last deleted paragraph that 
determines the start point for the generated content, but you can have 
generated files with standard text at the beginning and end which frame 
will always leave alone when generating the file.

Eric L. Dunn
Senior Technical Writer


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