It all depends on where in the world your market is. I can speak from
my experience only -- our company is spread all over the continents,
and we get people complaining when the connections are slow, like in
many hotels etc, but at the same time we build on Intranet access from
all our bases.

In W-Europe (and the North, of course),  and many places in N-America,
people have fast DSL or cable access, but many other places they have
to rely on the slow telephone connections. The max for the old type
connections is somewhere between 5 and 10MB, even lower. DSL or other
fast connection customers will be patient with up to 30-50MB.

Just my 2 cents.


On 5/31/06, Jon Harvey <JHarvey at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We would like to place some of our larger manuals online for download
> but don't know whether the PDFs will be too big. Is there a general
> guideline limit (1MB, 10MB, 25MB?) for the size of a PDF for download?
> Most of  our users are corporate, so we anticipate each will have a
> high-speed connection. However, we certainly can't guarantee all of them
> will be.
> Any thoughts?...............Jon
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