The AdobePiStd font is a substitution font for ITC Zapf
Dingbats used by the PDF Library and by Acrobat when 
PDF files call for ITC Zapf Dingbats but do not have it
installed. In the case of FrameMaker, it may be necessary
when PDF files are imported into FrameMaker. 

It should NOT be removed as part of any expedient for
faster FrameMaker loading.

        - Dov

> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf Of Phil Heron
> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:36 AM
> To: framers
> Subject: RE: Speeding up FM 7.2 Startup
> I do use the Symbol font but it's the Microsoft TrueType one 
> shipped with Windows.
> Consulting my archive, I see that Dov Isaacs sent a message 
> to the list on 25/10/04 stating:
> "(3) Yes. Some peculiar interaction between the PostScript 
> driver and Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003 requires that 
> Symbol TrueType font and it uses that font instead of the 
> Type 1 font."
> I also removed the AdobePiStd font because it has no 
> characters in the range available for use by FrameMaker.
> Phil Heron

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Rickaby [mailto:srickaby at]
> Sent: 21 June 2006 16:25
> To: framers at
> Cc: Phil Heron
> Subject: Re: Speeding up FM 7.2 Startup
> At 15:20 +0100 21/6/06, Phil Heron wrote:
> >For your information, I removed the following fonts:
> >- Japanese (Heisei* and Koz*)
> >- Chinese and Korean (AdobeMingStd, AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium and
> >AdobeSongStd-Light)
> >- Symbol (AdobePiStd and SymbolStd)
> Phil - I seem to remember reading somewhere that FrameMaker 
> malfunctions without the Symbol font. That might no longer be 
> true in 7.2, of course.
> --
> Steve

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