
You wrote:

>In my FrameMaker book, I have cross-references within the book (using a
>cross-reference format called "A") as well as cross-references to an
>external file that is not included in the book (using a cross-reference
>format called "B"). When I create a PDF, I don't want the
>cross-references to the external file to become active links while of
>course the internal links (format "A") should be clickable.
>Is there an easy way of doing this?
>Today I have to copy the complete book. Then I transform all
>cross-references of type B (external file) to editable text. Then I
>create the PDF. This works but it is cumbersome to make a copy of the
>book each time and then just throw the copies away after the PDF has
>been generated. In my source I don't want to remove the links to the
>external FM file.

Ideally, the cross-reference format would have control over the
creation of links, but we are not there yet...

With my FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers add-on, it is possible
to "disable" external cross-references pointing to a specific file/path
(link is removed but text/formatting remains intact) --
see http://www.microtype.com/TimeSavers.html (Links/General screen;
"Suppress x-refs when path or file name includes: .....").

Nothing has to be changed in the FM files or book; only a string
included in the path or file name has to be specified.

Shlomo Perets

MicroType, http://www.microtype.com
Training, consulting & add-ons: FrameMaker, Structured FM and Acrobat

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