To expand on this.. I generate 2 books... One that is "What the Customer
Sees", and one that has individual chapters for:
* Author's Notes (things I need to check/fix/do)
* Integrator Notes (things that my downstream writers need to check
(such as paths, UI, etc.)
* Changed (added/deleted/rewritten) Text notes,, including changed
* List of all graphics
* List of all markers (save hypertext) -- useful for seeing the ones
that got tagged incorrectly)
* Change Note.  Overview of large things that have changed (Sort-of a
"What's New" for the app/doc, plus any changes I may have made in terms
of new pgf formats, char formats, etc.)

You could easily add 4 more LOMS (you will have to rename each to get a
distinguishable new one), one for each reviewer.  Then just tell the
reviewers to look at only their notes.

Grant Hogarth
Senior Technical Writer
Equis International - A Reuters Company
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-----Original Message-----
[ at]
On Behalf Of Stuart Rogers
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 8:58 AM
To: Evanth, Henrik
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Generating lists for review

Evanth, Henrik wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a review problem. I have a user guide with hundreds and 
> hundreds of topics like this:
> Topic a
> Topic b
> Topic c
> Topic d
> etc....
> Reviewer A should review topics a, c, etc.
> Reviewer B should review topics a, b, d, etc.
> Now I want to make it easier for the reviewers and I want to make a 
> list of which topics to review, as all topics are not of interest to 
> all reviewers.
> I want to auto-generate this list and hopefully this could be possible

> using the FM functionality of creating lists or indexes. The idea is 
> that FM in some way can identify topic header on a ceratin page and 
> list it under the correct heading/reviewer in the generated list or 
> generated index. The review list should look something like this:
> Reviewer A:
> Topic a,  page 2
> Topic c,  page 4
> etc.
> Reviewer B:
> Topic a, page 2
> Topic b, page 3
> Topic d, page 5
> etc. 
> Reviewer A knows exactly which topics to review, etc.
> Anyone tried this with FM? Is it possible? Do I have to look into 
> scripting to solve this? I am pretty sure that you have to do some 
> initial work by defining who should define each topic, (using 
> markers?, conditional text?, variables?), but in the end I really 
> would like this to be automated.

I'm not sure whether the number of reviewers makes this practical or
not, but you could simply create a series of topic heading tags that are
identical except for a suffix (or prefix) of A, B, C to indicate
Reviewer A, B, or C.  Go through your document and tag each topic with
one of the new pgf tags. Then generate a temporary TOC for each
reviewer, set up to include only their specific tag. Your *real* TOC
would be set up to include all the tags.

(To make sure you haven't missed any topics, generate a TOC including
only your existing tag -- it'll be blank if you've properly retagged all
topics, or will hyperlink to any you've missed.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

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