Hi, Yosuke:

At 9:52 AM +0900 3/8/06, Yosuke Ichikawa wrote:
>We're using Acrobat's preflight feature to check for lines thinner than
>0.2 pts. The thinnest lines in our .eps graphics are exactly 0.2 pts,
>but when we import these graphics in FM and check the PDFs created from
>FM, Acrobat preflight says the graphics uses "0.199600pt" lines.

I don't know if there's a tool dedicated to fixing this in FM, but 
you might try saving  the Illustrator graphics as PDF or .ai, and 
importing them into FM, to see if there's a difference. Success here 
might indicate that the problem is in the EPS file.

>PDFs of these individual graphics, created from Illustrator, do not
>have problems with Acrobat prefight, so it seems to be some sort of FM
>conversion problem.
>Why does this happen, and is there any way to prevent this on the FM
>side? If there is no way to fix this, we'd have to tell our illustrator
>to make the lines in the graphics slightly thicker.
>Windows XP, Illustrator 10, FM 7.1, Acrobat 6.
>By the way, is there no way to check the whole list archives any more? I
>thought I'd search the archives first, but the one I found at the
>frameusers site was just for the recent few months.

I don't know about the archives, but you can find lots of hits from 
many relevant lists with Google searches that include the problem or 
message and FrameMaker.

Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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