Frank Harper wrote: 

> I have a three-book library that uses screen shots imported 
> by reference. There are close to 800 graphic files in the 
> directory. I know that not all of the files are being used 
> and want to move the inactive ones out of the directory for 
> space considerations. 
> Does anyone know of a utility that can generate a list of 
> files that are used in the FrameMaker documents?

FrameMaker. If you want one big list, alphabetized so you can compare it
to the directory list, first create a single book that contains all the
chapters from the three books. Then, in the book window, highlight the
last file in the book, and select Add > Index of > References. In the
dialog box, move Imported Graphics to the Include References list. Text
Insets too, if you want to see those external files as well. Click Add.
FM creates a generated list named <bookname> at the end of the
book. It looks something like this: 

../lib-graphics/callflow-highlevel-overview.pdf 13
graphics/access_class.png @ 150 dpi 33
graphics/access_phone_num_search.png @ 150 dpi 36
graphics/account_options_quick.png @ 150 dpi 62
graphics/add_provider.png @ 150 dpi 45
graphics/admin-accessnum-search.png @ 150 dpi 38
graphics/admin-add-bridges.png @ 150 dpi 20

...and so on. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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