> At 05:41 AM 3/15/2006, Donald.M.Rinderknecht wrote:
> >Also, instead of using binary files, would it be possible to use MIF 
> >if in a completely structured environment, XML in the CVS to keep track 
> >differences down to the 'element' level?

The "but if your XML documents round-trip" that Lynne mentioned can be a 
very big but and might be a pretty big hurdle.

As for MIF, a search of the archives might result in one members analysis 
of the bloat in file size caused by MIF and at what point saving diffs of 
MIF files is advantageous over saving whole binary versions.

Now if you were to save MIF files to a versioning system, it would be a 
good exercise to see how much of the MIF could be eliminated before 
committing to the versioning system.

Eric L. Dunn
Senior Technical Writer


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