To amplify John's comments even more, the local print shop that I
habitually use can print less expensively than I can on our in-house
Xerox do-it-all print shop. So stay in touch with you local vendors...

And to cut to the chase on using FM as an imposition tool: don't. Use
it for what it does best, building books. KISS. Generate a .pdf, which
is designed to support pre-press operations such as imposition, and
use Acrobat and add-ins to do the pre-press work, if you must.

And the final caveat is if you use an outside printer, don't do the
imposition for them. You don't know how they'll print your job or
their equipment, so pay them and let them do their job.


On 3/22/06, John Sgammato <jsgammato at> wrote:
> Hi, Theresa -
> I am darkening my grayest neurons developing my first EDD for structure 
> Frame, so I may miss something, but here are my thoughts:
> I think you may be overmanaging your project, unaware of inexpensive external 
> resources that can save you time and stress.
> I do a lot of docs, and almost all of them are printed 5.5" x 8.5" on US 
> Letter sized paper (to get 4pp from a sheet with no waste). The books are 
> printed, covered, bound, and shrinkwrapped into docsets at a local 
> Alphagraphics printshop for a very competitive price.They handle all the 
> bizarre imposition needs and it always comes out right. I give them a PDF and 
> they give me books and no problems.
> I do not go to lower-end printshops, because I have been burned in the past 
> by the printer's inexperience. It is important to be sure the printer 
> understands what you need, and what can go wrong. It is also important to get 
> a well-established printer that does not see a lot of employee turnover, and 
> to establish a personal relationship. It takes a little while to do the 
> training, but it is worth it.
> I also do some 4pp end-user docs, little things designed to be printed in 
> house, but they never go more than 4pp so imposition is not an issue.
> If the reason for in-house printing is thrift, I urge you to check out your 
> friendly local print shops. You may find the cost of reprographic/Docutech 
> printing is much lower than you expect for a short print run.
> I'll be happy to follow a new thread about small-company printing issues with 
> those who are considering printing their docs, or who have too much trouble 
> printing them.  Our VP Marketing told me three years ago he would fight the 
> idea of having printed docs, but three yearslater he is CEO, I am still 
> writing, and we just got our second 5-star review in Secure Computing that 
> explicitly mentioned the printed docs...
> john
> ________________________________
> From: Theresa de Valence [mailto:tdevalence at]
> Sent: Wed 3/22/2006 3:35 PM
> To: Frame Users
> Subject: 4 sided pages in book printing?
> Hello Framers and John (because I like your answers to other peoples'
> questions!):
> I am just getting around to setting up my first book to print
> semi-automatically on legal paper from a regular office printer (later
> to be converted into 5.5" x 8.5" pages). Up until now I have created
> such documents by manually selecting where each article would print on
> which page. I would now like to set up the book so that this is a more
> automated process.
> So far, these are the issues which I must resolve along with my guess at
> the right way to do it:
> 1. The pages are really Outside Left, Outside Right, Inside Left and
> Inside Right. During the first half of the book, the pages are Outside
> Right, followed by Inside Left, followed by Outside Right. For the
> second half of the book, the pages are Inside Right, followed by Outside
> Left, and on.
> I could achieve this with para tags, where I only have to decide where
> 50% of the book is.
> 2. The format of these 4 pages is really 2: a page on the left side of
> the paper and a page on the right side of the paper. For logic's sake, I
> can call them 4 different page names, but they occupy exactly the same
> frame position in relation to the paper.
> 3. How does the physical printing device know that pages 10 and 15 print
> on one side of the legal sheet and pages 9 and 16 print on the other?
> I have a feeling this is achieved with Flow, but I can't quite figure
> out how.
> Help is appreciated.
> Regards,
> Theresa
> _______________________________________________

Art Campbell                                             art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                             No disclaimers apply.
                                     DoD 358

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