I would look for increased FrameMaker presence at the Adobe booths in 
the UK and elsewhere during the rest of this year. I believe this year's 
WritersUA conference in Palm Springs, California (April 9 - 12) was the 
first in which Adobe staff members showed up in substantial numbers to 
promote their "tech pubs" products (FrameMaker, RoboHelp, Captivate).


Steve Rickaby wrote:
> This is good to hear, but a sad contrast, afaik, with what happens in 
> the UK. Here it is CS2, CS2, CS2. I am trying to do my bit of 
> banner-carrying by taking over editorship of a series of articles in 
> 'Communicator', the ISTC's quarterly journal: FrameMaker needs as much 
> exposure as it can get, whatever platform it happens to run on. (The 
> ISTC is the UK's closest equivalent to the STC.)
> I was recently at IPEX, the quadrennial (? - every four years, anyway) show 
> for the printing and publishing industries. Apple and Adobe had stands - 
> perhaps blessedly separated by the Sun stand. No mention of FrameMaker from 
> Adobe, as usual, although the guys on the stand were somewhat amused by my 
> 'FrameMaker for OS X' T-shirt. They were, however, interested in FrameMaker, 
> some had worked on or with it, and were happy to talk about it.
> To be fair, IPEX is not geared towards the tech writing world either, but I 
> suspect that a lot of the attendees were heavily involved in the sort of 
> corporate publications at which FrameMaker can shine.

Alan Houser, President
Group Wellesley, Inc.

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