Right you are, Peter.  That's why the data storage and backup industries are
thriving right now.  The amount of data stored by businesses today is
growing exponentially.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Gold [mailto:pe...@knowhowpro.com]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 4:34 AM
To: Diane Gaskill; Framers List
Subject: Re: Confirmation: : Numbering Systems for Technical Service

At 3:10 AM -0700 5/19/06, Diane Gaskill wrote:
>  ALL of the
>documentation within the company - literally a billion pages or more - uses
>numbered headings.  Yes, some of the docs are written by engineers to other
>engineers, but much of the product documentation goes to the customers,
>of whom are not engineers.  The same numbering scheme is used in
>>HR, IT, and every department in the company.

As the movement towards enterprise-wide content management and
structured information technologies, such as XML, to support smoother
exchange of information and greater varieties of distribution, this
kind of uniform standard is necessary.

Only "a billion pages?" HA! Soon it will be "billions and
billions..." Remember when McDonald's signs bragged about millions


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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