Hi, Fred.

Ouch! This is exactly the reason (information inside files) that I
started this set of questions in the first place! We wanted to avoid
a problem with inadvertent hidden content in a Word or Excel file
that somebody here sent out of the company.

I was hoping that PDF would prevent it, but learned that I needed to
do something extra to prevent it! At least this info is automatically
not present in the PDF if I disable the item as suggested. In Word,
we not have such controls, as far as I know, and asking users to all
remember to change the properties, etc., is not going to work. Too
easy to forget!

So, sorry, Shlomo, I'd much rather live without the "feature" than
have such problems occur! :)


Ridder, Fred wrote:
> That hit count is deceptive because of the way the search was 
> specified. The search returns all pages that include the word 
> "Document" or the word "Settings", not just the ones that have
> inappropriate metadata strings. 
> Use the search specification
>     "Documents and Settings" +pdf  
> for a more relevant search result. (A quick visual scan of a 
> hundred or so result listings showed that all of them included 
> a pathname that included the user's login name, which was not
> the case with the broader search.) But even this narrower search 
> returns more than 2 million hits, including more than 200,000
> documents that deal with some aspect of computer security!
> My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
> Fred Ridder (fred dot ridder at intel dot com)
> Intel
> Parsippany, NJ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces+fred.ridder=intel.com at lists.frameusers.com
> [mailto:framers-bounces+fred.ridder=intel.com at lists.frameusers.com] On
> Behalf Of rebecca officer
> Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 8:03 AM
> To: Framers at FrameUsers.com; shlomo2 at microtype.com
> Subject: Re: What do you use for PDF Generation?
> Good grief - that google search for "Documents and Settings\
> filetype:pdf" has 14 million hits!! Is there anything you can do to stop
> Word doing that when you print direct to Distiller?
> Cheers, Rebecca
>>>> Shlomo Perets <shlomo2 at microtype.com> 05/28/06 10:56 PM >>>
> Dov Isaacs wrote:
>> ... By the way, when dealing with Wurd documents, even with
>> PDF, be very careful that the "properties" don't migrate
>> to the PDF file. When you use the PDFMaker facility of
>> Acrobat some of that information in the Wurd document
>> does make its way into the "Description" part of
>> "Document Properties"  !!!!!
> An Adobe Technical Note I saw a while ago had a similar recommendation
> (= 
> turn off "Convert Document Information" in PDFMaker).
> I disagree with this recommendation;  more in this month's Hmmm..., 
> http://www.microtype.com/Hmmm.html
> ("Why bother learning how to use a feature, if you can simply disable
> it?")
> Shlomo Perets
> MicroType, http://www.microtype.com
> Training, consulting & add-ons: FrameMaker, Structured FM and Acrobat
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