If it's all the files in the project, that's odd. I think we'd need some more 
info to know what the best starting point would be for narrowing down a cause 
and/or fix. Are you on Mac or Windows? Have you copied the files to/from other 
drives since the last time you worked in them? I'm asking, because I have seen 
some file corruption issues that seemed to be triggered by copying stuff 
to/from a network drive, not sure why. Are the files on a network drive or your 
local hard drive?


"Pinkham, Jim" <Jim.Pinkham at voith.com> wrote: I have a folder with three 
versions of a manual (in subfolders) replete
with conditional text, insets, and all the marvels of single sourcing. I
haven't worked on these files for about 6 weeks. This morning all of
them are coming up as corrupt, including the subfolders and the backups.
Any ideas what might be causing this and how to fix it? Your help is
much appreciated.


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Rene L. Stephenson
eNovative Solutions, Inc.
Business Phone: 678-513-0051
Email: rinnie1 at yahoo.com

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