Carol, I haven't played with this, but in pre-7 versions, the file
name field could contain an asterisc, which FM interpreted by printing
each to a chapter_file.pdf. Might see if it still
works that way instead of typing in a file name.


On 10/31/06, Carol Wade <Carol.Wade at> wrote:
> I have identified the problem I was having with links not working among
> separate PDFs. The problem resulted from generating the PDFs from a
> FrameMaker book file. I must not understand the Print dialog box option
> "Save Book as...  Separate File for each document." Although this does
> create separate PDFs, the links all reference the filename entered in
> the box "Print to File." Obviously then the links are then broken.
> Can anyone explain to me what I am misunderstanding or tell me how to
> make this work?
> ________________________________
> From: Carol Wade
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:30 AM
> To: 'framers at'
> Subject: RE: Links not working in Adobe
> I should clarify that the crossreferences referred to in my earlier
> email have nothing to do with index entries.
> Thanks,
> Carol
> ________________________________
> From: Carol Wade
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 10:26 AM
> To: 'framers at'
> Subject: Links not working in Adobe
> I have created separate FrameMaker documents that cross-reference each
> other. At a point, the links were working in the generated PDFs (Named
> Destinations and Generate Actobat Data are selected). Now, none of them
> work. (I have now added crossreferences to the master pages, but don't
> think this has anything to do with the problem.)
> It seems that I must be doing something wrong that should be obvious,
> such as not selecting Named Destinations and Generate Actobat Data, but
> I don't know what else to look for.
> I converted a document to MIF, and it appears that at least one path is
> incorrect, if that is what is meat by "<XRefSrcFile
> `<c\>'>," because the absoulte path whould be
> c:\CustomerDocs\NewUserDocumentation. This is also wrong for a relative
> path, if "<c\>" resolves to "c:\."
> I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 and Acrobat Distiller 7.0.7.
> Thanks for any suggestions!
> Carol
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  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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