I have noted a related (well, not really, but sort of!) problem with using
side-head columns and table. In some of my documents, the table title uses
both the side-head and the text column (the table number is in the side-head
in these documents).

When I make the table width small, the table title refuses to stretch over
the side-head column and stays in the main text column only - left aligned.
The table itself also moves over (i.e., does not stay left-aligned with
the edge of the main text column).

I have to force larger table columns - if you pick *just* the right number
for the column widths (or add some columns), the table title snaps over the
side- head column like I want and the table position adjusts itself to the
left edge of the main text column!

I hope I am describing this properly ... I can create a small text document
to show it, but I think this list software does not allow attachments.


Rick Quatro wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I think you are misdiagnosing the problem. Try this:
> 1) Insert a left-aligned table with a title in a text column. Make sure 
> the table is narrower than the text column.
> 2) Set the table title to be left-aligned. Type text in the table title 
> and you will see that if it is longer than the table width, it will 
> extend beyond the right edge of the table. This does not happen if the 
> title is center-aligned.
> Design-considerations aside, this is clearly a bug.
> Rick Quatro
> Carmen Publishing
> 585-659-8267
> www.frameexpert.com
> Rhea Barron wrote:
>> Since my tables are generally narrower than the text column
>> they're in, this is a problem. I don't want the titles to be
>> wider than the tables.
>> I can't find any way to make the titles narrower when the
>> title paragraph tag is flush left. The minute I change the
>> title para tag to be centered, the text rect that contains
>> the table title changes to become exactly the width of the
>> table. But as luck would have it, I don't like centered
>> titles. I like flush left titles.
> But you're getting flush left titles. "Flush left" means "starting at
> the left margin of the text column." :-)
> It sounds like you're centering these narrow tables within the column,
> and then you want the titles to align with the left edge of the tables.
> Sorry, FM doesn't work that way. The locations of the tables and their
> titles are both in relation to the text column, frame, or underlying
> page.
>> What puzzles me is that I've used FrameMaker for over 15
>> years and I don't remember ever having this problem before.
>> But now it occurs in even a brand-new generic FrameMaker file.
> Maybe you've never tried to mix centered tables with non-centered titles
> before. I never have. And, frankly, I never will -- it sounds like a bad
> design idea to me. Why not rethink it? If you align your tables flush
> left, or some fixed indent, like an inch, your problem goes away.
> Richard
> ------
> Richard G. Combs
> Senior Technical Writer
> Polycom, Inc.
> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
> 303-223-5111
> ------
> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
> 303-777-0436
> ------
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