Hi, Good day.

  I use FrameMaker 7.1 with Windows XP.

  I have got a FM book with about 50 chapters (files). But they are logically 
grouped as 5 guides. All chapters in all guides have footers with Product Name, 
Release No. and Date and Guide identification. For each guide, the footer has a 
User Variable-DocumentNumebr. Its value is partially different for each guide. 
Every time there is a release, the variable value changes. I am having to edit 
the master page of each of 50 chapters manually. 

  Is there a possibility to change the value of the variable from book level 
for a range of chapters?

  I am a bit apprehensive about using templates (if possible) since the book is 
authored by someone else and I do not know the underlying risk. Excuses if this 
is a very basic question.


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