Dear Texan Scriber,

Although I am an Oklahoman, I will respond! I do this a lot in my

1.) View your master pages.
2.) Add a new master page. Call it Landscape (natch!). Don't base it on
an empty page - base it on the Right master page.
3.) On the newly named Landscape page, select Format > Customize >
Layout > Rotate Page and rotate the page 90 degrees CW.
4.) Next, you will need to rotate the contents on the page. I typically
delete the Header and the Footer (because I can make new ones later) and
shrink down the main text column so that I can access the handles on the
edge of the main text column. Then I select the main text column and
then select Rotate > Graphics and the rotate the it CCW. (Trust me - I
know it sounds weird, but you will see why rotating in the opposite
direction helps. This makes sure that the flow symbols on each of the
text columns (main and headers and footers) are on the upper left corner
of the page.)
5.) Resize the main text column.
6.) Re-add your headers and footers.

Tammy Van Boening
Engineering Technical Writer
tvanboening at
Keep Smiling - At least until you get your own way

-----Original Message-----
[ at]
On Behalf Of Texan Scriber
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:01 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Master Pages - landscape and portrait pages

Fellow Framers,
Does anyone know how to have landscape and portrait pages in the same
Frame file. I tried to create a landscape master page in my frame file
and the application complained that other page sizes have to be adjusted
because the new page size is too small!

Appreciate your help

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