FrameMaker is not a CMS, but can easily be used as an assembler of
content from a managed source in XML.

How many writers are we talking? Five? A dozen? More than 25? Over 100?

On 9/20/06, RHandel at <RHandel at> wrote:
> I am presently on a tools research group to find a viable single-source
> solution for creating help documentation for our software.  We have a
> variety products, with newer product help documentation being more
> online-centered and legacy documentation being more print-centered, so we
> would like a solution that provides the best solution for both.
> Presently, some of our team primarily uses RoboHelp, others primarily use
> FrameMaker, while still others primarily use Word with Acrobat.  We want a
> system that will allow us to expand and not lock us in, but the key to all
> of this is the cleanest and easiest means to repurpose documentation (print,
> web, internal, PDA, etc.).
> I am still trying to wrap my brain around the way FrameMaker handles XML,
> but it appears that it COULD function as a CMS itself.  However, I cannot
> really find much information on this or how it handles the organization of
> data on a server.
> Can anyone give me feedback on using FrameMAker in this capacity?  Should I
> see FrameMaker solely as an authoring tool?  And in either case, would it be
> a good solution for authoring online help (i.e. is WebWorks as robust as
> RoboHelp--or for that matter, will Adobe eventually integrate the two
> products to make it a seamless process)?
> Any help would be most appreciated.

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner
Senior Member STC, TechValley Chapter
avid homebrewer and proud beer snob
"I see your OOO message and raise you a clue."

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