Charles Beck wrote:
> Hi all,
> First, let me apologize if I am just being ignorant on my first request:
> I would have searched the archives for this list, but I couldn't figure
> out how to find them, or even *if* such archives exist. And I don't seem
> to have any subscription info that would point me in that direction.
> *Do* they in fact exist?

> Second, and the reason I was trying to search the archives: I want to
> create a link in an HTML file that will go to a named destination in a
> PDF file. I know it can be done, and I have been able to find out how to
> do it to a particular page or to alter a PDF file to include named
> destinations. BUT-
> I want to be able to set it up in FrameMaker, so that when I distill the
> PDF, the named destination is already there, and the link will work. I'm
> sure one of the gurus on this list can tell me how to accomplish that. 
> I did look in the FrameMaker documentation, but I couldn't find this
> information there either. 
> So, with apologies if I am unnecessarily cluttering the list on either
> account, can anyone out there help me?

...may provide some help.  Also try for tips.

Good luck,

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

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