At 20:17 -0400 25/4/07, Diane Gaskill wrote:

>Hello Frameratti,

I like that... but shouldn't it be 'Framerati'? You might be thinking of 
'Frameretti', i.e. little Framers ;-)

>Remember the old days when we had debates and comparisons between the dreaded 
>Word and Frame?  Well, now it seems that the new competitor is Arbortext.  I 
>had my manager convinced to switch from Word to FM, even got the ok to build 
>the templates (done), when along comes a VP in one of our offshore offices who 
>thinks using Arbortext is better and convinces my manager to have us look at 
>it too.

I know only what I have read on this list, although it's a subject I keep an 
eye on. My suggestion would be to carefully calculate total cost of ownership 
of both options. From what I've heard, almost everything is a mega-cost-plus 
option in Arbortext. Someone who'd set up their own system at their own 
expenses a couple of years ago was posting here, and I got the impression that 
although you can get up and running with Epic at around the same cost as 
FrameMaker, just to *print* anything, for example, was a few thousand dollars 

These tools seem to be priced for major corporates, not for single writers or 
small authoring teams.


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