Hi All,

  We have a TOC that has always worked fine in the past. We just added a new 
paragraph tag to the template that won't pick up the leader lines in the way 
other, similar paragraph tags do. We're searching for a solution.

   More details:

   We have the typical setup of H1_Heading1, H2_Heading2, H3_Heading3, etc. For 
each of those levels we also have headers that start on the top of a page, 
headers that we use for the TOC, etc. For example: H1TOP_Heading1TopofPage and 
H1TOC_Heading1TOC. To date, all of those tags have functioned perfectly in our 

   So far, so good, right?

   Last night, we added H2T1_Heading2Topic1, which has all the same settings as 
the other header tags except that when used in WebWorks ePublisherPro, it 
breaks to a new topic. (That's a long story about how we set up and executed on 
our print template.) In fact, we basically copied an existing H2 tag and then 
in WebWorks, gave it its special designation. So as far as FrameMaker is 
concerned, it's the same tag, with all the same settings as H2_Heading2 (which 
works in the TOC), except that it has a different name and different WebWorks 

   Now, when we run the TOC, all the other headings get their leader lines in 
the TOC, but the new H2T1_Heading2Topic1 entry doesn't.


   I've done a side-by-side comparison of the two tags and see no difference.

   The only hint I can give you is in the reference page. If I generate two 
TOCs side by side, the bad TOC (*with* the new tag) generates an additional two 
lines whereas the good TOC (*without* the new tag) does not. 

   Specifically (ignore indents, which didn't translate well during copy and 

   Bad TOC:

<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
paratext>  <$pagenum>
openObjectId <$relfilename>:<$ObjectType> <$ObjectId>
<CC_ContentsChapter>Chapter <$paranum> <$paratext><Default Para Font> <$pagenum>
<CC_ContentsChapter><$paratext><Default Para Font> <$pagenum>
<CC_ContentsChapter>Appendix <$paranum> <$paratext><Default Para Font> 
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>

   Good TOC:

openObjectId <$relfilename>:<$ObjectType> <$ObjectId>
<CC_ContentsChapter>Chapter <$paranum> <$paratext><Default Para Font> <$pagenum>
<CC_ContentsChapter><$paratext><Default Para Font> <$pagenum>
<CC_ContentsChapter>Appendix <$paranum> <$paratext><Default Para Font> 
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>
<$paratext> <$pagenum>

Is the initial <$paratext> <$pagenum> any indication of what's going wrong? Or 
does anybody else have any ideas?


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