With the help of some list members, I figured out what must have happened.

I deliberately converted a couple of Xrefs to text. In one instance, I
probably right-clicked in a location that wasn't precisely on the existing
XRef and selected Cross Reference > Convert to Text. For example, I may have
right-clicked immediately after the last character in the XRef. In that
case, the Convert to Text windows opens with the "All Cross References"
option as the default. I failed to notice the option and clicked the Convert

One way to prevent the behavior, which I will try to adopt, is as follows:

* Use the Special > Cross Reference command or the right-click > Cross
Reference command only to create a new XRef.

* To edit an existing cross reference, always double-click the XRef itself
to ensure that it is selected. Do not right-click or use the menu to edit an
existing XRef.

* Read the options in the Convert window and think twice before converting
any XRef to text!

Thanks to all who replied.

David Shaked (Wernick)

AlmondWeb Ltd.
Technical Documentation * Web Development * Word and WebWorks Consultants

-----Original Message-----
From: David Shaked (Wernick) [mailto:da...@almondweb.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 16:49
To: Framers (framers at lists.frameusers.com)
Subject: XRefs mysteriously converted to text

I experienced a distressing problem in an FM file that contained dozens of
cross references. As I was editing the document, all the XRefs were suddenly
and unexpectedly converted to ordinary text. 

The problem occurred in middle of an editing session. I am certain that when
I opened the document, the XRefs were OK.

In the past, I have occasionally detected individual cross references that
were converted to text. I always assumed that the conversion was my own
editing error, but now I am not so sure.

I already restored the XRefs, but does someone have an idea what may have
caused the problem and how I can prevent it in the future? Is there a known
FrameMaker 7.2 bug that converts XRefs to text? Is there a "Convert all
XRefs to Text" command that I inadvertently activated?

Possibly relevant information: The FM document was originally created by
importing from Word. Many but not all of the XRefs were originally created
by a FrameScript program, used in conjunction with the Word import. The
document has been heavily edited since then, with no other abnormal

David Shaked (Wernick)

AlmondWeb Ltd.
Technical Documentation * Web Development * Word and WebWorks Consultants

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