Steve Rickaby wrote:

> When I try the first method, it fails to work despite 
> everything appearing to be correct. I think this is because 
> the sidehead property is a property of the flow [which I seem 
> to remember reading here recently], so that even though the 
> full-span master pages have been applied, FrameMaker ignores 
> their side-head settings.
> Is there a way around this so that I can get method a. to 
> work, or do I have to go with the more conceptually messy 
> method b.? [Or is there a method c?]

Yep, I posted about this on Aug. 2, so I'll just quote myself:

It's not clear from the FM interface (where you control side heads in
the text frame properties dialog), but side heads are a property of the
_flow_, not of the frame. IOW, if your flow has side heads on, then all
text frames in that flow will have a side head. 

The workaround for your situation is to modify the text frames on the
custom master pages you're using so that the side heads aren't evident.
Set the width and gap to some small value (and adjust total text frame
width accordingly), and maybe put the tiny side head on the right so it
doesn't affect the left alignment of headings that straddle the side


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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