Thank you for the links, Steve. Very informative.
I checked this Eth the same way in Wikipedia "eth (letter)"
and that one displayed correctly with me (automatic language settings
in FireFox).

I especially ejoyed reading the link in the page referring to
the sort order of Thorn:
It is almost a full treatise about the western alphabets through the history.

I had forgotten about the sort order being agreed on in 1994.


On 8/29/07, Steve Rickaby <srickaby at> wrote:
> At 20:51 +0000 28/8/07, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson wrote:
> >And to complicate things further, the eth and thorn and even an accented y 
> >(which are all parts of the extended ASCII) seem to FrameMaker just as some 
> >space character when it comes to hyphenating.
> 'Eth' and 'thorn' are letter names in Icelandic? That's interesting: they are 
> in Anglo-Saxon too.
> For anyone interested: 
> <>
> Also <>
> Why mention the Wikipedia entry? Well, apart from being informative, it uses 
> the thorn - apparently a real thorn - in its URL. Shows up nicely here on a 
> Mac ;-)
> Sadly, Wikipedia's URL for eth just uses 'eth'.
> --
> Steve [irrelevant fact hound]

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