
   I'm not sure how many of the Control key combinations don't work, but
I do know that the three you mentioned don't work. The good news is
that, for me, it doesn't require a full reboot. I only have to restart
Frame to solve the problem. However, it's still quite annoying to have
to stop working to restart Frame and re-open all the documents and
various windows I routinely have open. 8-(

Samuel I. Beard, Jr.
Technical Writer
OI Analytical
979 690-1711 Ext. 222
sbeard at oico.com

-----Original Message-----
From: framers-bounces+sbeard=oico....@lists.frameusers.com
[mailto:framers-bounces+sbeard=oico.com at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf
Of Ceri Richard
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 1:34 PM
To: Frame User's Group
Subject: Re: Strange Key Control Issue

I have the same problem but it only happens after generating a List of
Markers (index markers specifically in my case). When I then try
all to paste it into another document for converting to a table the
ctrl+c and ctrl+v key combos no longer work and a reboot is necessary.

Would love to solve this!


On 8/31/07, Sam Beard <sbeard at oico.com> wrote:
> Hey All,
>    I'm having a strange problem with keys working in Frame 7.2b144 on
> Windows XP. Certain keys seem to either stop working or stop working
> expected. For example, my Control key for shortcuts doesn't work
> anymore. Neither do my arrow keys when held down. If I continuously
> press the arrow keys, they work for each press, but not if held down.
> Restarting Framemaker fixes the problem. So, what causes it? Any ideas
> would be greatly appreciated!
> Samuel I. Beard, Jr.
> Technical Writer
> OI Analytical
> 979 690-1711 Ext. 222
> sbeard at oico.com
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