Call for Speakers: X-Pubs 2007 - Europe's Largest XML conference, June

XML content management: does it really get companies the benefits they
are after - at the price promised?  

X-Pubs organises and delivers webinars, seminars, case-studies and
whitepapers from some of the industry's most valued technical minds to
educate on and promote the latest content standards. Every year X-Pubs
organises the X-Pubs Conference, Europe's Largest XML Publishing

2007 theme: 

  "How did they do it?"

Submission Deadline: 

  Speaker bios/summary (~200 words each) - Feb 20, Full presentation -
May 15


   Royal Berkshire Conference Centre, Reading, England (see, "Location" for more)

Submission guidelines:

This conference will take a look at real customer stories, about
currently rolled out XML solutions, which are starting to evolve their
usage over time.  X-Pubs 2006 showed us that the world is ready to start
going beyond explanation of new XML technologies and benefits, and start
discussing how to run a successful XML implementation, and drill into
the detail that leads an implementation to delivering those benefits and
their return on investment.  

In light of this, X-Pubs 2007 presentation proposals must be:

   *  Be focussed on either the technical or business aspects of an
*actual* implementation 

   *  Customer examples / case studies should be presented by, or
jointly with, the end-solution client themselves, not just by the vendor

We also welcome: 

   *  Educational, conceptual or "thought-leading" oriented
presentations, i.e., not a commercial sales pitch 

   *  We still strongly encourage that conceptual or thought-leading
presentations be delivered as much as possible in the context of, and
with specific references to, a specific project involving XML (DITA, of
course, and SGML if it's really an interesting one).  Actual clients
need not be co-presenting in this instance.

Contact: / info at 

+44(0)208 722 8400 / From North America 011 44 208 722 8400

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