pearlrosenberg at wrote:

> Richard,
> I think this is on the right track. When I open the files, 
> every one displays a msg saying the file uses unavailable 
> fonts and that clicking OK will reformat the file with 
> available fonts. I've click OK for every file numerous times 
> and the files open and before I close them, I save them, but 
> the next time I open them, I get the same messages.

If you're happy with the available fonts, do this get rid of the
unavailable ones for good: 

1) With all the files in your book closed, select File > Preferences. In
the dialog, uncheck Remember Missing Font Names and click Set. 

2) Open all the files in your book. You'll get the unavailable fonts
message one more time for each. Confirm that you want to replace the
unavailable fonts. 

3) Save all the files in your book and close them. 

4) Open the files again. They should open without any unavailable fonts


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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