I've just upgraded to v.8 and even with this additional step I still
cannot seem to get my custom job options to appear when using Save As
from FM 7.2.

Anyone else have major issues with getting FM 7.2 and Acro8 working together?

On 1/12/07, Smith, Terry <Terry.Smith at per-se.com> wrote:
> As has been reported by Adobe, FrameMaker 7 cannot find any custom job
> options you create unless you copy the job options to the old default
> folder instead of the new one Adobe Distiller uses (see
> http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/333453.html in the Adobe Support
> database).
> * (Additional step needed) However, if you select File>Print>PDF Setup
> button, the your custom job options will *not* appear in the PDF Job
> Options field. To correct this, you must copy your job options file (for
> example, <name>.joboptions) to a second location:
> C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\Settings

Bill Swallow
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