Many thanks Marcus. Some clarifications follow, as does one more question. 

As you rightly point out, FM is not a content management product. I am fully
aware of that fact, but unfortunately it seems my predecessors either
weren't, or (as is more likely) hadn't managed to take the next step forward
towards 'better' single sourcing. I'm eternally grateful that I inherited a
well formed EDD though!

As for breaking up the files into XML chunks, I have the level of
granularity pretty much sorted, content and re-use maps in place, and the
only thing that is stopping me hacking it all up is covered by this sentence
of yours:

"Then I'd get a programmer to write something that built a consolidated
document for the purpose of publishing." 

When you say "consolidated document" I'm presuming that that is an XML file
that, more or less, equates to a chapter (for example)? I'm also presuming
that, once such a document is in place, I can use FM to handle book files
(which don't contain any content), and generated lists (TOC, IX etc) as per

We have SVN in place here, so storing and maintaining the XML files isn't
too much of a hassle (it's just a glorified file system, innit!). So I guess
I "just" need to crack that middle stage. The techie in me, naturally,
baulks at the idea of asking a programmer for help.. ;-)

Thanks for the clarification. I think I had the basic ideas in my head but
without hearing this I was fearly of venturing off down a darkened path.

More reading for me it seems.

Thanks again,

Gordon McLean

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