Background: We are Word experts but inexperienced in FrameMaker. We are
importing a large set of Word 2003 documents to FM 7.2.

In our experiments so far, the following Word features seem to be lost in
the import process. How can we preserve them, without needing to recreate
them laboriously in FM?

1. Cross references (REF and HYPERLINK fields, along with the bookmarks that
the references point to).

2. Index entries (XE fields).

3. Included text and graphics (INCLUDETEXT fields, which point to bookmarked
text and graphics that are stored in another document).

4. WebWorks conditional text (PRIVATE WWMTS and PRIVATE WWMTE fields).

If there is no simple GUI solution, an automated solution that requires
programming (VBA and/or FrameScript) is definitely within reason.

NOTE: I'm new to the Framer's list. I searched the archives for the above
questions but didn't find much. If the subject is in the archives, I will be
grateful if someone will point me to the appropriate thread.

Thanks very much for your help.

David Shaked (Wernick)

AlmondWeb Ltd.
Technical Documentation * Web Development * Word and WebWorks Consultants

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