
We use Framemaker 7.1 and FDK 7.1 to create an API client (DLL) that
converts the .fm files to .xml. This DLL is built and compiled using
VC++ 6.0 (FM 7.1/FDK 7.1) and is then placed under the
framemaker7.1\fminit\plugins directory.

The system requirements section of FDK 7.2 and 7.1 suggest that they are
targeted for VS.NET 2003 and VC++ 6.0 resp.

Now, we are upgrading to Framemaker 7.2 (patch 7.2p158). During the
testing I have run into some issues when recreating this DLL with FM 7.2
and FDK 7.1/2. 

Following is what i have tried so far...

1. FM 7.2/FDK 7.2/.NET 2003 env.
Open the existing workspace (VC++ 6.0) in .NET 2003 and build the DLL
using FDK 7.2 libraries and header files. After placing this DLL under
the plugins directory, when i open a .fm file and try to save it as
.xml... i get a "internal error 7204 <some nos.>. Framemaker has
detected a serious problem and must quit". After clicking on OK, i get
memory cannot be read error and the framemaker closes.

2. FM 7.2/FDK 7.1/.NET 2003 env.
Open the existing workspace (VC++ 6.0) in .NET 2003 and build the DLL
using the FDK 7.1 libraries and header files. The DLL is placed in the
plugins directory. But as soon as I start the framemaker, i get an error
"Cannot initialize API client c:\program

3. FM 7.2/FDK 7.2/ VC++ 6.0 env
I can compile the .c file but can't build the XYZ.dll. I get the error
"Unresolved external symbol _ftol2" in struct.lib (for different obj
files). I tried fixing this by including the following in my code, but
even then i get the same error:
long _ftol (double)
long _ftol2 (double dblSource) { return _ftol(dblSource); }

4. FM 7.2/FDK 7.1/ VC++ 6.0 env
I can compile and build the DLL. But after placing it in the plugins
directory and starting the framemaker, i get the error "Cannot
initialize API client c:\program

Any suggestions?


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