Try setting the Anchored Frame to centered and the width of the text
column. Then set the left indent of the graphic to the indent of the
preceding tag.


On 1/31/07, Rene Stephenson <rinnie1 at> wrote:
> Hi All,
>   (FM7.2 on WinXP) Our templates and style guide have the graphics and tables 
> left-aligned with captions. However, when the figure is an integrated graphic 
> in a procedure, it looks a bit odd to have the figure and caption all the way 
> over against the left edge of the text frame when the surrounding text is at 
> various levels of indentation?.25 inches for numbered steps and additional 
> .25 inches for substep or bullet levels, potentially .75 inches from the left 
> margin, if the graphic appears after options in an alpha substep, like a 
> short bulleted list under step 3 (b). (I hope that make sense. It would be so 
> much easier to just show you!)
>   A couple of employers (and several years) ago, we had FM templates that 
> used a figure caption paragraph format, and if?when you inserted the anchored 
> frame?you followed some certain procedure (which of course I cannot find and 
> only vaguely remember) you could get the paragraph to align itself relative 
> to the level of indentation of the preceding paragraph. Long story short, 
> that company got sold, and the other writers have long been scattered to the 
> winds.
>   So, now I'm trying to reinvent the wheel. I tried messing around with where 
> I insert the anchored frame and the various combinations of anchored frame 
> positioning and alignment, but I can't seem to get it working.  Seems like we 
> had a shortcut keystroke set up, maybe with a .cfg file or something, but you 
> could manually make it happen even without using the shortcut. Does anyone on 
> this list have any ideas?  Brainstorming would be helpful!  :-)
>   Thanks,
>   Rene Stephenson
> Rene L. Stephenson
> eNovative Solutions, Inc.
> Business Phone: 678-513-0051
> Email: rinnie1 at
> _______________________________________________

Art Campbell                                             art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
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